Joshua Spatha's upcoming book being published by Morgan James on August 5th, 2025. Includes a paperback and e-book copy with each physical copy signed by the author.
Mere Spirituality Pre-Order
About the Book
About the Author
Western civilization is decadent and in decline and Western man is in an existential crisis. While the Enlightenment began with an explosion of energy fortifying the pillars of natural sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, increasingly the West has tried to precariously balance an enormous and complex society on but a single pillar. As science gained preeminence in society, materialism soon followed, creating an anemic worldview and existence devoid of moral virtue and meaning.
In our pursuit of shallow technological achievement, the spiritual was sacrificed for the superficial, but man longs for something far deeper. Suffocating in the spiritual vacuum of his own making, modern man has grasped at surrogates, but there is no substitute for breath.
As the West continues toward collapse, we may want to consider the possibility that to pull back from the brink, we’ll have to return to where we deviated and embrace ancient biblical wisdom, historical models, and spiritual practices which have stood the test of time. If we do, we may find that what was lost actually enhances what was preserved. For spirituality and rationality are not mutually exclusive, but two halves of the whole.