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New Study: Life Only Thousands of Years Old

Writer's picture: Joshua SpathaJoshua Spatha

Updated: Nov 3, 2019

A brand new study of five million mitochondrial DNA samples collected from around the world concludes that most species on Earth came into existence around the same time—and not millions of years ago. This flies in the face of established evolutionary theory in several ways and shows yet again how macro-evolution defies actual scientific investigation and observable evidence.

Standard Darwinian evolution claims that all the diversity of life on planet Earth arose at different times along a long timeline of gradual change produced by genetic mutations, gene pool shift, and natural selection. This process took millions and millions of years and eventually produced mankind only recently. However, actual scientific study has challenged this narrative time and time again, with this most recent study showing that at least 90% of all life on Earth arose around the same time, and not millions and millions of years ago, but actually around the same time humans came about. This is impossible according to evolution, but of course aligns neatly with the biblical creation account. Key findings of the study include: - Of over 100,000 species studied, 90% of genetic material is roughly the same age

- That genetic material is less than 200,000 years old

- Genetic drift does not actually produce more variation among species

- Species have very clear genetic boundaries, with nothing "in between"

Of course the scientists who produced the study fought these conclusions as they did not line up with their preconceived ideas about evolution, and in their comments they still stubbornly defended the idea of evolution by interpreting the results of the findings in a very peculiar way. They speculated that the reason all genetic material appears young is because, "life is always evolving." According to this logic, no genetic material will look older than a couple hundred thousand years because evolution has happened and therefore the species is relatively new. Of course this ignores the fact that we have fossil records that supposedly date back to millions of years ago which provide ample evidence that many species haven't evolved at all—they remain virtually identical to their "prehistoric" ancestors.

The simplest answer isn't that 90% of all species alive today evolved suddenly and simultaneously 200,000 years ago—the simplest answer is that evolution never took place at all. Like the supposed Cambrian Explosion, mass spontaneous evolutionary spurts—like the one which would have had to happen recently according to these scientists' explanation—defy the proposed mechanisms which drive evolution. Random mutations happen randomly, not synchronized across all life forms at the exact same moment in time.

Another shocking finding of the study is that Genetic Drift does not produce any variation within species. Standard evolutionary theory states that gene pool shifts such as populations being geographically separated, will naturally produce different evolutionary traits in each of those populations as they adapt to their environment, experience different random mutations, and succumb to different forces of natural selection. However the study found that for the planet's 7.6 billion people, 500 million house sparrows, or 100,000 sandpipers, genetic diversity "is about the same." In other words, genetic diversity appears to be pre-baked into the genetic code itself, not a product of time, chance, and external factors.

The final finding of the study was that species are not slightly nuanced versions of previous evolutionary branches, but rather have very clear and defined genetic boundaries with nothing in between. The lead scientists likened species to galaxies in space—the distance and void between them was vast. This doesn't line up with evolutionary theory at all as every single life form on planet Earth supposedly has a common ancestor—a single celled organism that spontaneously generated out of a primordial soup billions of years ago. Darwin hypothesized that countless transitional species would therefore be found as one species has to gradually evolve into another. But the fossil record came up completely dry and now the study of DNA has also concluded that no such transitions exist. In other words, there is zero evidence that evolution has ever taken place. All life appears to have suddenly popped into existence at the same time, they are genetically distinct and separate, and the genetic material is young—none of the evolutionary mechanisms can account for any of this.

Previously the standard excuse for the complete lack of evolutionary evidence was that the timescales were too vast—that the evidence didn't survive the millions of years since those evolutionary changes took place. But now that the paradigm has shifted to everything in existence simultaneously evolved only 100-200,000 years ago, new excuses for the lack of evidence will need to be concocted.The speed at which evolution takes place is now so rapid, that transitional species should be everywhere in recent history, but they aren't. This is why vapid theories like Punctuated Equilibrium gain favor—the complete lack of evidence for evolution somehow becomes proof in itself of the fact of evolution. Clearly the scientific method was abandoned long ago. Instead we're left with ideological dogma in the form of sacrosanct presuppositions masquerading as proven fact.

EDIT: The Institute for Creation Research also covered this discovery in a recent article.

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