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Decaying Rotation Rate Points to a Young Earth

Writer's picture: Joshua SpathaJoshua Spatha

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

Though evolutionary timetables are widely accepted even among Christians these days, the truth is there is quite a bit of evidence that seems to point to a young Earth and universe. While the Big Bang Theory continues to need patch after patch and employ multiple fudge factors in order to match observable data, Dr. Moshe Carmelli's Cosmological Relativity model actually matches observable data nicely. The problem? It would calculate the age of the universe at only several thousand years old.

Nearer to home, there are many data sets which would also point to a young Earth, including carbon 14 levels, sea water salinity, helium levels in minerals, radiohalos in rock, Earth's magnetic field decay rate, the sun's luminosity and now, the Earth's slowing rotation rate. The latest scientific study calculates the Earth's rotation decay to be 1.8 milliseconds per century, down from the previously calculated 2.3ms per century. While this doesn't sound like much, in evolutionary timetables, this adds up—3.3 million years ago, the Earth would have been rotating 1 minute faster and 200 million years ago it would have been rotating an hour faster (23 hour days). The problem is, our planet is supposedly 4.5 billion years old by evolutionary reckoning, which would mean that in its early days, the rotation rate would have been 22.5 hours faster—meaning a full rotation (one day) would have only been an hour and a half.

The effects of the Earth spinning multiple, multiple faster than today would make for a very different environment. It would cause constant hurricanes, volcanoes and tidal waves of unbelievable size and power, would cause an enormous equatorial bulge, would create rings around our planet similar to Saturn's (which only has an 11 hour rotation period), would drastically alter the gravitational effects due to an enormously increased centrifugal force and life would have been constantly eradicated by such hostile conditions. Actually, according to some math and physics calculations, at a rotational period of 1 hour and 24 minutes, the centrifugal force of the spinning Earth would negate the gravitational force, meaning our planet would effectively have no gravity at the equator—the Earth would literally throw objects into space. Of course we see absolutely no evidence that any of this actually happened in Earth's history, which would be very confusing if we were to assume the evolutionary age of the Earth is accurate. However, if we take all the other previously alluded to evidence to come to a different conclusion—namely that the Earth is only several thousand years old—there is no conflicting data. If the Earth is young, the rotational speed was only a fraction of a second faster in the beginning than we observe today—well within life-permitting parameters.

So while the scientific establishment may parade evolution around as fact, the truth is there is a lot of contradicting evidence in every, single scientific field and we would be wise to look at the data honestly and allow academic debate. But instead, we push scientific dogma and silence dissenters. The scientific method has long been abandoned in favor of confirmation bias and ideological conformity. As H.S. Lipson, Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester once said, "In fact, evolution became in a sense a scientific religion; almost all scientists have accepted it, and many are prepared to 'bend' their observations to fit with it."*

*"A Physicist Looks at Evolution," Physics Bulletin, vol. 31 (May, 1980), p. 138

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