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Joshua Spatha
Jul 7, 20154 min read
Even Atheists Believe in a Creator
A NASA-snapped photograph of a distant nebula cloud dubbed "The Pillars of Creation" may be more than a simple tongue-in-cheek name given...

Joshua Spatha
Jun 4, 20155 min read
Generation Hero
The time for the big reveal of the brand new ministry focus I've been helping develop is coming soon at Years in the...

Joshua Spatha
May 3, 20152 min read
Not All Science is Science
Our society has made science God. We have made deities out of men with pocket protectors and believe it to be heresy to disagree or doubt...

Joshua Spatha
Mar 26, 20156 min read
What is a Theory?
There seems to be some confusion about what exactly a "theory" is in science. Some states have tried to get stickers put on textbooks...

Joshua Spatha
Mar 11, 20152 min read
The Center of the Universe
The ancient view that the Earth is at (or near) the center of the universe has long been discarded. The geocentric models were abandoned...

Joshua Spatha
Feb 13, 20153 min read
New Discovery in Microbiology Makes Evolution Impossible
Biological evolution recently just got stopped dead in its tracks. If you recall, there are three main mechanisms that drive evolution;...

Joshua Spatha
Jan 30, 20156 min read
Relevant Magazine Defends Big Bang Theory
Relevant magazine chose to side with the Pope in supporting weak science rather than the biblical texts and so Christianity continues to...

Joshua Spatha
Dec 28, 20142 min read
Science Finds God More Probable than Evolution
Despite the message that evolution is all but a certainty in our Western media and education, the truth is that evolution has been...

Joshua Spatha
Dec 3, 20142 min read
The Rejection of Creation
Charles Darwin is largely credited with heralding an all-out assault on the biblical foundation of the book of Genesis. The naturalism...

Joshua Spatha
Aug 26, 20142 min read
Decreasing IQ and a Biblical Worldview
I speak on Biblical worldview a lot in YWAM DTS's and how it stands in stark contrast to the evolutionary worldview. While an...

Joshua Spatha
Aug 18, 20141 min read
The Hero Generation
William Strauss and Neil Howe developed the "Generational Theory" which posits that the world goes through generational cycles. They...

Joshua Spatha
May 14, 20141 min read
Science Vindicates Hydroplate Theory
Scripture claims the earth was formed out of water (see Gen 1:2, 2 Pet 3:5) and that once God formed dry land, these waters were...

Joshua Spatha
Mar 31, 20141 min read
Evolution VS. God
Evolution is presented in our educational system as fact, but when pressed for observable evidence, no one can produce any. This shows...

Joshua Spatha
Oct 7, 20131 min read
Fred Markert on this Unprecedented Season of History
Long term YWAMer and missiologist Fred Markert gives a wake up call to Americans as he outlines his research (soon to be published) and...
Joshua Spatha
Jul 2, 20136 min read
Hasn't Science Disproved God?
We live in an age and society of logical and rational thought. Due in part to our classical Greek and Roman influences, Western nations...
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