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Joshua Spatha
Mar 1, 202419 min read
The Metaphysics of Sex & Gender
Our modern society has pushed sexual boundaries and bent definitions so far, that it has come full circle and is undermining its own...

Joshua Spatha
May 10, 202330 min read
Sensate Man: Science, Sex, & Societal Collapse
Listen to this article (49:48) A civilization engulfed by materialism will consequently be enraptured by humanism and hedonism and will...

Joshua Spatha
Oct 27, 202218 min read
Psychological Warfare
Since psychology was established as a scientific field in the late 19th century, the Church has increasingly deferred to its authority....

Joshua Spatha
Nov 9, 202117 min read
Issues of Conscience: When Sin Seems Uncertain
Scripture is usually quite explicit in defining sin and God's character is consistent and His word never changes, so why is it that there...

Joshua Spatha
Jul 15, 201914 min read
The Climate of Science
Science is only as good as its predictive ability. Physics got us to the moon because it could accurately predict the movements of...

Joshua Spatha
Dec 12, 201825 min read
Ancient Cosmology
From Geocentric models to Heliocentric and from Steady State cosmology to the Big Bang theory, man has proposed many ideas of what the...

Joshua Spatha
May 28, 20184 min read
New Study: Life Only Thousands of Years Old
A brand new study of five million mitochondrial DNA samples collected from around the world concludes that most species on Earth came...

Joshua Spatha
Sep 14, 20176 min read
Government & Gaia: Religions of the Non-Religious
One of the immutable truths I learned through my degree in anthropology is that religion permeates all of human culture. Mankind indeed...

Joshua Spatha
Dec 7, 20163 min read
Decaying Rotation Rate Points to a Young Earth
Though evolutionary timetables are widely accepted even among Christians these days, the truth is there is quite a bit of evidence that...

Joshua Spatha
Sep 3, 20164 min read
Shattering Science: 70% of Scientific Studies are False
Another devastating article was recently published showing how flawed science truly is. Titled "Saving Science," the lengthy expose was...

Joshua Spatha
Aug 18, 20163 min read
Higher Education ≠ Scientific
It's no secret that higher education in America has an extreme liberal bias and has long abandoned teaching students how to think and has...

Joshua Spatha
Apr 19, 20164 min read
Science's Feet of Clay
The god of Western civilization is science. We view it as infallible, definitive and absolute in its trustworthiness. Scientists are our...

Joshua Spatha
Mar 7, 20163 min read
Science is not a Democracy
Time and time again, dissenting or opposing views in science are shamed and silenced with ridiculous arguments like "97% of scientists...

Joshua Spatha
Mar 4, 20162 min read
Science Censored: Study Calls Hand "Designed by a Creator"
A recent scientific study that was published about the fine-tuned motions of the human hand caused an uproar in the scientific community...

Joshua Spatha
Mar 3, 20163 min read
Clinton Campaigns on UFOs
Hillary Clinton is campaigning for the White House promising that if elected, she will "get to the bottom" of UFOs and release all the...

Joshua Spatha
Dec 4, 20153 min read
Sins of the Fathers
Scripture alludes to an astonishing concept that man's free will - our choices - impact our children even in a hereditary sense. In...

Joshua Spatha
Nov 24, 20155 min read
Rapid Geology
The geologic timetable espoused in schools and universities today talk about the incredible amounts of time necessary to create the...

Joshua Spatha
Sep 25, 20152 min read
Science Regresses
Recently, a group of scientists petitioned President Obama to prosecute those who disagree with the majority opinion of anthropogenic...

Joshua Spatha
Aug 9, 201517 min read
Alien Theology
Science fiction has burned into our minds the idea that life exists throughout the universe. An acceptance of biological evolutionary...

Joshua Spatha
Jul 21, 20154 min read
New Science Says No Big Bang
A new quantum equation posits that the Big Bang never happened- that the universe actually has no beginning and no end. This might sound...
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